Monday, March 10, 2014

You can Feel Happier in the Morning if you...

...keep the following in mind.

Scientifically Proven Ways

To Have A Happier Morning

1. Have a Flower with your

     Morning beverage

Why it works:
Evolutionary psychologists believe that we see
Flowers and Plants as a subconscious cue of
("Things can grow here -- let's set down roots"),
("All that foraging paid off") and
("These buds mean that fruit is on the way").
So the sight of a colourful bouquet in the morning,
They theorize, can convince you that
Everything's coming up roses today.
In a study led by Harvard Medical School psychologist Nancy Etcoff,
PhD, women who saw flowers when they woke up reported feeling
  • Happier (and less anxious) at home, as well as

2. Sleep on your Right side.

Read why. (And see more on this topic)

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