Friday, September 20, 2013

DO you know anybody with both 

Inner Peace



According to Dr. Napoleon Hill he knew 3 people that
Had Peace of Mind and Money.

I was wondering about the people he mentioned.

What they looked like, When they lived and What they believed in.

What gave them this peace of mind that others noticed?

Thus I Decided to take a closer look In a 3 part-post -

These people with Inner Peace and Money
♥ John Burroughs
  • John Burroughs was an American naturalist and essayist
  •  Important in the evolution of the U.S. conservation movement.
  • Born:       April 3, 1837, Roxbury, New York, United States
  • Died:        March 29, 1921, Kingsville, Ohio, United States
  • Awards:   American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for
  • Belles Letters and Criticism
  • He had his own unique perceptions of the natural world.
  • Book by John Burroughs - 
  • The art of seeing things
  • A collection of essays by noted naturalist
  • John Burroughs in which he contemplates a wide array of topics including farming, religion, and conservation.A departure from previous John Burroughs anthologies.

  See...Google Books

See Wikipedia

John Burroughs

What is this own unique perceptions of the natural world he had that gave him peace?

I think his appreciation of Gods Creation gave him Peace of Mind.

By expressing this appreciation in his writing -  

he became famous and rich.

How are you seeing and  perceiving the world around you?

By using your God given senses daily to experience

The Creators  beautiful Universe, Thanking Him for this undeserved, unearned pleasures

You will have Peace of Mind and

Money will start flowing

♥ See dewdrops,


♥ Smell freshly ploughed land/soil,


  ♥ Feel the petals of a delicate flower


  ♥ Taste the texture of a red, ripe strawberry


♥ Listen to the sound of waves breaking on the beach


♥ Talk about, Sing and Thank the Lord for all this beauty

You Will

Experience Peace of Mind

& Money will start Flowing

Experience how easy this happens right here

Watch Joseph Prince - God Will Open Up His Good Treasure To Bless You

PS.  See how to always have more than enough money
Watch this great video for free ====> Click Here
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Next posts - The Peace of Mind of

♥ Thomas Edison

♥ Andrew Carnige

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